Hi Elsa. I have just discovered your resources on YouTube and your pronunciation guide has already helped me. Thank you. I think your link to YouTube on this page is not working. Hope this feedback helps. Looking forward to seeing more of your content. C’est fantastique!
Leonard Attard
3 années il y a
Elsa your course is so well wonderfully organized and your pronunciation lessons and and explanations are so clear. My father was French and he spoke French to me till the age of 14. I have learnt Chinese and have decided that I owe it to my father that I should relearn his language. Although my level probably is close to A2, I have decided to start from the beginning. Because I will be using your work a lot, is there a way I can make a donation?
je m’appelle Dermane , j’habite à Diego suarez , je suis malgache , je suis passionné de la langue française, mon objecif majeur c’est de maitrisé bien le français en ecris comme en oral, en suivant vos videos gratuit , j’aimerais apprendre le français avec vous
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Hi Elsa. I have just discovered your resources on YouTube and your pronunciation guide has already helped me. Thank you. I think your link to YouTube on this page is not working. Hope this feedback helps. Looking forward to seeing more of your content. C’est fantastique!
Elsa your course is so well wonderfully organized and your pronunciation lessons and and explanations are so clear. My father was French and he spoke French to me till the age of 14. I have learnt Chinese and have decided that I owe it to my father that I should relearn his language. Although my level probably is close to A2, I have decided to start from the beginning. Because I will be using your work a lot, is there a way I can make a donation?
Merci Leonard ! Yes you can make a donation here : https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QEAZ4MT5JFQAG&source=url
I wish you great progress in French.
très intéressant pour moi surtout en deux langues ( français et Anglais )
je m’appelle Dermane , j’habite à Diego suarez , je suis malgache , je suis passionné de la langue française, mon objecif majeur c’est de maitrisé bien le français en ecris comme en oral, en suivant vos videos gratuit , j’aimerais apprendre le français avec vous